Overwatch Designs

affordable design and customization


Custom Request

Frequently Asked Questions


How much will it cost?

That is a hard question to answer.  Pricing factors include size, quantity, and type of vinyl. Complete this request form and we’ll give you specific pricing options!

Is there a setup fee?

This is the reason I got into the business.  I wanted a sticker of a military map symbol.  The heavy machinegun to be exact (which is on our page).  I asked a company about having one made and they said it would cost me a $20 setup fee.  If I bought 50, they would waive the fee.  What was I going to do with 50?

In most cases, we do not charge a setup fee. However, there are times that I will have to charge for the design time.  Some awesome projects do take large amounts of time.  If I do charge to design it, it is a low rate, and you only have to buy one.  There is no minimum order.

Previous customers can attest to the lack of overcharging.

How long will it take?

That depends on the current work load and how detailed of a project it is.  Usually around 2 weeks, but I will be able to give you more information with your quote.

Custom / Wholesale Product Request Form

Product Desired:

Is your design ready?

Do you have a PDF or AI file type of your design? (If yes, please attach it to an email to overwatchdesigns@gmail.com to expedite your quote.)

Do you have a JPG, PNG, or other file type of your design? (These file types are more basic and may require additional time to increase the quality prior to production. If yes, please still attach it to an email to overwatchdesigns@gmail.com so we can determine the quality of the file.)

8 + 10 =

We’ll respond as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours. If you don’t hear back from us, please check your email spam / junk folder; some email accounts have placed our responses there in the past.

Thank you!