Hero… a word many military members, police officers, paramedics, fire fighters etc thank you for saying but quickly change the subject. Our men and women in service often do it out of duty, honor, and commitment to the community and country. We have many men and women who put themselves in harms way daily…and today, we salute our military heroes.


I live in close proximity to several military bases and enjoy being near them. There is nothing like seeing a squad fast roping from a helicopter, an aircraft carrier off the coast, or a jet screaming overhead. I’m proud to see that there are still people out there willing to put the uniform on for too many hours and not enough pay.


There are days I miss the Marine Corps and others I have no regrets leaving. I got the opportunity to serve with some of the finest men I have ever met and several I’ll never see again. For those that have previously served in our military forces, I thank you. For those still serving, I salute you. Our nation’s defense depends on you, especially in the volatile times we live in.

David at Overwatch Designs


Color Invasion Star