Overwatch Designs

affordable design and customization

FRWS Dumpster Fire Coin


The brand new First Responder Whiskey Society Dumpster Fire Coins are here! The back side of the coin reads, “The strongest steel is forged in the fire of a dumpster”!
While you’re here, check out the First Responder Whiskey Society PVC patch and Embroidered patch!
The First Responder Whiskey Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3)(EIN #87-3987483) charity with one mission: to support first responders and their families in times of need. The charity has a membership of 4800+ police, fire, military, medical, and family members from primarily the United States and other parts of the world. The values that guide our organization are camaraderie, loyalty, mental and physical wellness, and responsible consumption. Our motto of “Service Through Spirits” is something we take seriously. We prioritize charity and our members above all else and always strive to do what is best for those we raise money for.
If the values of the First Responder Whiskey Society align with yours, we encourage you to join their family in our Facebook Group. Membership is free; the only requirement is a desire to help our first responders in need!

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